- Botonical Name: Aquilaria Agallocha
- CAS#: 8008-79-5
- Country of Origin: Assam, India
- Appearance & Odor: Viscous Agarwood Indian Liquid, Renious, Warm and smocky odour
- Solubility: Soluble in oils. Insoluble in water
- Specific Gravity: 0.9418 – 0.966
- Optical Rotation: ( + 10° ) – ( + 25° )
- Refractive Index: 1.507 – 1.515
- Flash Point: 170 °C
- Major Constituents: Palmitic acid – 12.14
- Extraction Method: Steam distillation of the Agarwood
We at EOW, offer the lab certified, 100% organic and pure Agarwood oil at wholesale price. The oil is the most precious natural oil found on planet earth. Buy Agarwood Oudh essential oil from essential oils wholesaler.
What is Agarwood Oil?
Agarwood oil is the essential oil extracted from the steam distillation of resinous wood of Agarwood (Aquilaria) Tree, native to north-east regions of India.
The Agarwood tree grows up to 40 meters high and 60 centimeters in diameter. Trees are infected infected with a type of mould (Phialophora parasitica).
Prior to infection, the heartwood has no odour, relatively light and pale coloured; however, as the infection grows, the Agar tree produces a dark aromatic resin in response to the attack, which results in a very dense, dark, resin-embedded heartwood.
The resin-embedded wood has special significance in Arabic-middle eastern culture for its rich and unique fragrance.
Product Abstracts
Originally from Southeast Asia/India , Agarwood or Aquilaria Agallocha (Scientific name) is also considered as the most luxurious Arabian perfume referred as Oud. Other common names of Agarwood are Aloeswood, Eaglewood, Kyara, Ood, or Ud, and more which are given depending on origin and quality of the raw material or oil.
There are many grades of Agarwood, the highest grade being among the most expensive natural products in the world. With prices that exceed thousands of dollars per pound, the essential oil from wild Agarwood trees is understandably very costly. We at essential oils wholesaler offer you quality product at reasonable price.
1. East Asian Medicine:
- Agarwood is prescribed in traditional East Asian medicine to promote the relieve pain, arrest vomiting by warming the stomach, and to relieve asthma (Anon., 1995a).
2. Chinese Medicine:
- High-grade agarwood powder is prescribed in Chinese medicine (Yaacob, 1999).
- High grade agarwood powder is also used in the production of pharmaceutical tinctures (Heuvel Ing van Beek and Phillips, 1999).
3. Use as Liniment:
- Malaysians use agarwood mixed with coconut oil as a liniment. Likewise Indians and chinese also use agarwood oil in their traditional medicine as a liniment for the treatment of various skin diseases. (Burkill (1966))
4. Rheumatism:
- Agarwood oil is used in a boiled concoction to treat rheumatism and other body pain.(Burkill)
5. Jaundice:
- Often-discarded uninfected wood is used as Kayu gaharu lemppong by Malaysians to treat jaundice and body pains. (Chakrabarty et al. (1994))
6. Smallpox and Abdominal Pain:
- Agarwood has been noted for its use as a complex ointment for smallpox and for various abdominal complaints. (1930, cited in Chakrabarty et al., 1994)
7. Pleurisy:
- Its use for the treatment of pleurisy is referenced in the Ayurvedic medicinal text the Susruta Samhita.
8. Nervous System Disorders:
- When used in aromatherapy, agarwood oil may help to treat anxiety, stress, depression and other nervous system disorders.
9. Liver and Kidney:
- Agarwood oil is used to treat cirrhosis of the liver and kidney problems.
10. Lung and Stomach Tumours:
- Agarwood oil is used in the treatment of lung and stomach tumours.
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